# # Packages to be rebuilt/added as base for the gnome build: # NetworkManager #appdata-tools appstream-glib avahi gcab glib-networking glib2 gnome-keyring gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gstreamer gtk+3 gucharmap gvfs json-glib libbluray libcap libdaemon libinput libwacom libwebp mesa polkit shared-mime-info systemd-service-files udisks2 upower wayland wayland-protocols wpa_supplicant xorg-server xorg-server-xwayland ### [gnome-suites-core-deps] begin GeoIP PackageKit accountsservice aisleriot atk atkmm autoconf-archive baobab brasero cantarell-fonts caribou check cheese clutter clutter-gst clutter-gtk cogl colord colord-gtk dbus-python3 dconf dconf-editor devhelp dlack-settings dlackware eog epiphany evince evolution evolution-data-server exempi farstream file-roller folks gdk-pixbuf2 gdm gedit gegl3 geoclue geocode-glib gexiv2 gfbgraph gitg gjs glade glibmm gnome-applets gnome-autoar gnome-backgrounds gnome-bluetooth gnome-builder gnome-calculator gnome-clocks gnome-color-manager gnome-common gnome-contacts gnome-control-center gnome-desktop gnome-devel-docs gnome-dictionary gnome-disk-utility gnome-documents gnome-font-viewer gnome-getting-started-docs gnome-initial-setup gnome-js-common gnome-logs gnome-mahjongg gnome-menus gnome-music gnome-nettool gnome-online-accounts gnome-online-miners gnome-packagekit gnome-panel gnome-photos gnome-power-manager gnome-screenshot gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon gnome-shell gnome-shell-extensions gnome-system-log gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-todo gnome-tweak-tool gnome-user-docs gnome-user-share gnome-video-effects gnome-weather gobject-introspection grilo grilo-plugins gsettings-desktop-schemas gsound gspell gssdp gtk-engines gtk-vnc gtkhtml gtksourceview gtksourceviewmm gtkspell3 gupnp gupnp-av gupnp-dlna gupnp-igd hyphen ibus libchamplain libcryptui libdmapsharing libdvdcss libgdata libgee libgepub libgit2 libgit2-glib libgnomekbd libgsystem libgtop libgusb libgweather libgxps libmediaart libmusicbrainz5 libnice liboauth libosinfo libpeas libquvi libquvi-scripts libsigc++ libwnck3 libxml++ libzapojit lua mm-common mousetweaks mozjs24 mutter nautilus nautilus-sendto nemiver orca pcre2 plymouth py3atspi py3cairo py3gobject3 pyatspi pylint python-requests quvi rdflib rest rygel seahorse seed sushi telepathy-glib telepathy-logger telepathy-mission-control totem totem-pl-parser tracker uhttpmock vala vinagre vino vte2_91 webkitgtk webkitgtk1 yelp yelp-tools yelp-xsl zeitgeist zenity