The Open Graph Viz Platform Gephi is the leading visualization and exploration software for all kinds of graphs and networks. Gephi is open-source and free. Exploratory Data Analysis: intuition-oriented analysis by networks manipulations in real time. Link Analysis: revealing the underlying structures of associations between objects. Social Network Analysis: easy creation of social data connectors to map community organizations and small-world networks. Biological Network analysis: representing patterns of biological data. Poster creation: scientific work promotion with hi-quality printable maps. METRICS READY Centrality: used in sociology to indicate how well a node is connected. Available: degree (power-law), betweenness, closeness. And more: density, path length, diameter, HITS, modularity, clustering coefficient. TECHNOLOGY Ergonomic interface: no programming skills needed High-performance: built-in rendering engine. Native file formats: GDF (GUESS), GraphML (NodeXL), GML, NET (Pajek), GEXF and more. Customizable by plugins: layouts, metrics, data sources, manipulation tools, rendering presets and more. NOTE: Gephi's support for importing even non-trivial Graphviz dot is totally broken, so do not rely on it. For dot, the graphviz package is providing the gvedit tool.