# Find the UUID of btrfs filesystems by executing the command: # # btrfs filesystem show # # For each filesystem, define UUIDS[#] and LOGFILES[#] to set the UUID # and log file location. Don't foget to update /etc/logrotate.d/bees # when adding new log files. # # Each btrfs filesystem should have a corresponding conf file in # /etc/bees/*.conf. See /etc/bees/beesd.conf.sample. ## btrfs filesystem #1 #UUIDS[0]=11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111 #LOGFILES[0]=/var/log/bees.log ## btrfs filesystem #2 #UUIDS[1]=22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222 #LOGFILES[1]=/var/log/bees_2.log