Persian also known as Farsi is spoken in Iran and its dialect in Afghanistan and Tajikistan were it is known as Dari and Tajik respectively.There are about 130 million active speakers. This package contains extra farsi fonts for Slackware Linux. The following fonts are available 1. Farsi Web 2. Free Farsi 3. Vazirmatn 4. Vazircode 5. Tanha 6. Parastoo 7. Gandom 8. Nahid 9. Samim 10. Shabnam 11. Nika 12. Behdad 13. Ganjnameh 14. Farbod 15. Shahab 16. Noon 17. MiladAzad 18. VizhehAzad 19. Font Iranian 20. Pfont 21. Pasrimatn 22. Dehnavi92 23. Fandogh 24. Erfan 25. Unixel 26. EncryptedPersian 27. Xorasani-nasx 28. PakType Basic Farsi Fandogh is a fancy persian font. Erfan and unixel are pixel fonts. EncryptedPersian is an persian font with Egyptian Hieroglyphics. PakType is a collection of fonts arabic,urdu,Farsi and sindhi. This package contains only the Farsi font. To install woff and woff2 fonts run the slackbuild as WEBFONTS=YES ./fonts-farsi-extra.SlackBuild Conflicts: This package conflicts with google fonts package.