A shell script wich checks your $HOME for unwanted files and directories. When it encounters a file it knows about, it will tell you weather it is possible to move this file to an appropriate location and how to do it. The configuration is done in the programs/ directory, which should be located in the same working directory as the xdg-ninja.sh script. This can be overriden with the XN_PROGRAMS_DIR environment variable. You define a program, and then a list of files and directories which this program ruthlessly puts into your $HOME directory. For each file/directory, you specify if it can be (re)moved. If this is the case, you also specify instructions on how to accomplish this in Markdown. Files in this directory can have any name, but using the name of the program is encouraged. bashrc file should be in your $HOME directory for it to work properly and expects XDG environment variables to be in your bashrc. set XN_PROGRAMS_DIR=/opt/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/programs in your bashrc. This program is installed in /opt/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/ update $PATH accordingly.