#!/bin/sh # Convert an image to LILO bootsplash format using ImageMagick's convert: # - BMP version 3 file format # - 16 colors indexed palette # - 640x480 size (will be stretched from original) # # Uses: sed, convert, identify. # Author: Eric Hameleers INPUT="$1" if [ -z "$INPUT" ]; then echo "** Please provide image filename!" exit 1 fi BASENAME=${INPUT##*/} OUTPUT=${BASENAME%.*}.bmp echo "-- Converting '${INPUT}' to './${OUTPUT}'" convert "${INPUT}" -resize 640x480\! -colors 16 bmp3:${OUTPUT} echo "-- LILO's 'bmp-colors' and 'bmp-timer' need to use these palette indices:" identify -verbose ${OUTPUT} |sed '/ Colormap: /,/ Rendering /!d;//d'