# Slackware ships a different version of XML DTDs: zcat $CWD/patch/kdelibs/kdelibs.docbook.patch.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || { touch ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${PKGNAME}.failed ; continue ; } # Fix for CVE-2011-3365 (not needed for KDE >= 4.7.2): #cat $CWD/patch/kdelibs/kdelibs.kssl.CVE-2011-3365.patch | patch -p1 --verbose || { touch ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${PKGNAME}.failed ; continue ; } # Fix a bug introduced in kdelibs-4.7.2 which was intended as a fix but # prevents any query which does NOT use wide unicode characters to fail: #cat $CWD/patch/kdelibs/kdelibs.nepomuk.unicode.patch | patch -p1 --verbose || { touch ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${PKGNAME}.failed ; continue ; } # Fix a bug introduced in kdelibs-4.9.4 which was not detected until right # after release. This breaks opening of .odt and other zip-based files # in external applications: #cat $CWD/patch/kdelibs/kdelibs.mimetypecheck.BUG311214.patch | patch -p1 --verbose || { touch ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${PKGNAME}.failed ; continue ; } # Make uPnP support depend on the environment variable SOLID_UPNP, # e.g. by creating an /etc/profile.d/upnp.sh file with the following contents: # export SOLID_UPNP=1 cat $CWD/patch/kdelibs/kdelibs.upnp_conditional.patch | patch -p1 --verbose || { touch ${SLACK_KDE_BUILD_DIR}/${PKGNAME}.failed ; continue ; }