path: root/pkglists/z03_daw.lst (unfollow)
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-09-22DAW: refreshed the package list Eric Hameleers1-0/+9
2022-09-04DAW: updated package list Eric Hameleers1-0/+2
2022-07-07DAW: add soundfont-unison Eric Hameleers1-0/+1
2022-06-10DAW: re-enable frescobaldi, add its new dependency qpageview Eric Hameleers1-2/+2
2022-03-24DAW: refresh of the package list Eric Hameleers1-0/+1
2021-11-01DAW: add pipewire-jack package Eric Hameleers1-0/+1
2021-10-28DAW: remove frescobaldi for now, it won't work with Python 3.10 Eric Hameleers1-1/+2
2021-09-08DAW: add several more VCV Rack module kits Eric Hameleers1-0/+8
2021-07-10DAW: update the package list with new applications Eric Hameleers1-0/+7
2021-06-16DAW: add rosegarden and lilypond Eric Hameleers1-0/+5
2021-04-07DAW: update package list Eric Hameleers1-0/+1
2020-12-28DAW: update package lists Eric Hameleers1-0/+11
2020-12-13DAW: re-arrange contents of the package lists needed for DAW Eric Hameleers1-4/+1
2020-10-20DAW: many small improvements Eric Hameleers1-0/+1
2020-10-05DAW: updated package lists Eric Hameleers1-0/+3
2020-09-20DAW: added qmidiarp and qtractor Eric Hameleers1-0/+2
2020-09-19Update package lists for PLASMA5 and DAW variants Eric Hameleers1-0/+4
The DAW gets a couple new audio related programs, while both the PLASMA5 and DAW variants need the mozjs68 package to support the custom polkit in 'ktown' Plasma5.
2020-09-05DAW: add jamulus Eric Hameleers1-0/+1
2020-08-04DAW: updated the package lists Eric Hameleers1-0/+5
2020-06-30DAW: add carla plus dependency Eric Hameleers1-0/+2
2020-06-29DAW: add Mixxx plus dependencies Eric Hameleers1-0/+9
2020-06-27DAW: add Cadence and its dependencies Eric Hameleers1-0/+6
2020-06-16DAW: add guitarix plus dependencies Eric Hameleers1-0/+4
2020-05-29DAW: this looks like the final working package list Eric Hameleers1-2/+3
2020-05-29DAW: some pkglists files renamed to force proper loading order on boot Eric Hameleers1-0/+0
2020-02-20Remove KDE4BASE and add DAW as a Live Variant. Eric Hameleers1-0/+6
Nobody used the 1 GB ISO with a stripped KDE4 anyway, so I removed it. DAW is a 'Work In Progress': I want a Ditigal Audio Workstation as a Live Slackware OS with Plasma5. I want to learn if Plasma5 is lean and fast enough for realtime audio processing. Probably it also needs PAM, which will enter the main distro soon.
2020-01-24Updated package lists for 'daw' 'plasma5' and 'x_base' Eric Hameleers1-0/+10
2019-06-13Update the package list for the DAW module Eric Hameleers1-0/+3
2019-05-11DAW: add a package list containing Digital Audio Workstation stuff Eric Hameleers1-0/+43
I added this as a squashfs module to the bonus/ subdirectory for now, so people can copy it into the USB stick's optional/ or addons/ directory.