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This collection of links is in no way comprehensive (i.e., it's slack :-)) but is provided in the hope that it may be useful for those new to Slackware. Many of the sites given below maintain their own lists of links to resources related to Slackware and Linux in general. The links are grouped according to their subject but aren't sorted anyhow but in alphabetical order when this makes sense.

The origin of the slack world: Slackware Linux

Slackware mirrors:

Slackware docs:

Slackware ports:

Additional packages and build scripts:

Applications specifically written or configured for Slackware:

Articles devoted to managing and configuring Slackware:

Slackware newsgroup, forums, and mailing list:

Slackware blogs:

Miscellaneous sites devoted or related to Slackware:

Slackware-based projects:

The Man Patrick J. Volkerding:


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Please, don't hesitate to let us* know about Slackware-related resources that can be useful for the community. We will be glad to consider adding them to the list.

[*] s l a c k w o r l d A T g m a i l

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