path: root/README.5_15.01
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diff --git a/README.5_15.01 b/README.5_15.01
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index 6a90849..0000000
--- a/README.5_15.01
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-This is KDE 5_15.01 for Slackware, consisting of the KDE Frameworks 5.6.0,
-Plasma 5.2.0 and Applications 14.12.1.
-This is meant only to be installed on top of Slackware -current and it will
-*replace* any version of KDE 4 you migh thave installed!
-Plasma 5 is the next generation of KDE's desktop workspace.
-Plasma 5 improves support for high-DPI displays and comes with a "converged
-shell", i.e. one Plasma codebase for different target devices. Plasma 5 uses
-a new fully hardware-accelerated OpenGL(ES) graphics stack. Plasma 5 is built
-using Qt 5 and Frameworks 5.
-And with the Breeze themed artwork and its own Oxygen font, this desktop looks
-clean and modern.
-Further points of interest:
-- Lots of packages in the 'deps' department which are completely new to
- Slackware. Since KDE 5 is built on Qt5 (KDE 4 had Qt4 as its base) you'll
- find many Qt5 related packages. Also, in ordet for Qt4 and GTK based
- applications to dock into the Plasma 5 system tray, more dependencies were
- needed. So, apart from updates to regular Slackware packages, these are the
- new ones:
- LibRaw, OpenAL, akonadi-qt5, eigen3, gst1-plugins-base, gst1-plugins-good,
- gstreamer1, json-glib, libappindicator, libdbusmenu-gtk, libdbusmenu-qt5,
- libepoxy, libfakekey, libindicator, orc, polkit-qt5-1, qca-qt5, qt-gstreamer,
- qt-gstreamer1, qt5, sni-qt, wayland and xapian-core.
-- Note for users of multilib Slackware64 and also using Skype: you will have to
- grab the 32-bit version of sni-qt and run 'convertpkg-compat32' on it,
- or else Skype won't be able to dock its icon in the systray.
-- A bit sneakily, I built phonon-vlc for you. You will also need a VLC package
- to be able to use this package though.
-- I added the latest Calligra 2.8.7 office suite.
-- Even though I compile a 'kde-workspace' package as part of the whole set,
- I do not ship that package. It conflicts with the new plasma-workspace
- package.
-- Several source tarballs in Plasma 5.2.0 have not been compiled to Slackware
- packages: libbluedevil and bluedevil (they need BlueZ 5 which is not part of
- Slackware), muon (a debian/ubuntu package manager), libkface (needs opencv
- which I was not willing to add as a dependency).
-- One dependency which you'll probably find curious, is wayland. It is required
- in order to *compile* KWin's X11 driver, but it is apparently not needed at
- *runtime*. Nevertheless, I left the package in, just in case you want or need
- to recompile kwin.
-- Graphical login: KDM has been replaced with SDDM.
- If you want to see the new graphical session (login) manager SDDM in action,
- add the following lines to the Slackware file "/etc/rc.d/rc.4" right after
- the line: echo "Starting up X11 session manager..."
-# --- 8< --------------------------------------
-if [ -x /usr/bin/sddm ]; then
- exec /usr/bin/sddm
-# --- 8< --------------------------------------
-... and then switch to runlevel 4 by typing (at the root prompt):
- # init 4
-Select "Plasma" from the SDDM session dropdown.
-Alternatively, if you prefer good old runlevel 3, you can type (at your own
-user account's command prompt):
- $ xwmconfig
-... and select "xinitrc.plasma" as your default window manager for X.
-Then run:
- $ startx
-Also explained in more detail below, upgrading to this KDE 5 is non-trivial.
-You will have to remove old KDE packages manually. If you do not have KDE
-installed at all, you will have to *install* some of Slackware's own KDE
-packages manually.
-If you decide to install these packages on top of a fresh installation of
- Slackware-current and have excluded all packages in the 'KDE' package series
- during installation, you will be missing several add-on packages, some of
- these are essential to the proper functioning of KDE!
- If you excluded the complete Slackware-current 'KDE' series, then you
- will have to install the following essential Slackware-current packages
- at a a minimum:
- * bluedevil
- * polkit-kde-agent-1
- * polkit-kde-kcmodules-1
- And optionally install these as well:
- * amarok
- * kaudiocreator
- * kdevelop-pg-qt
- * kplayer
- * ktorrent
- * libktorrent
-Building it all from source:
-Sources and scripts are separated from the packages in my 'ktown' repository.
-If you want the sources for KDE 5, run the following command to download them:
- # rsync -av rsync:// .
-There are a lot of 'dependencies' for KDE 5 which you'll have to compile and
-install before attempting to compile KDE 5. Compiling and installing these
-dependencies on Slackware-current is as easy as:
- # cd 5/deps
- # ./updates.SlackBuild
- # cd -
-Be prepared to wait a *long* time since this will recompile Qt4 and compile a
-new Qt5 package among others. The finished package will be stored in /tmp .
-Then if you want to compile the KDE packages on your computer, run:
- # cd 5/kde
- # ./KDE.SlackBuild
-Wait a long time, and you will find the new packages in /tmp/kde-build .
-Note that these packages will already have been installed by KDE.SlackBuild !
-But if all you want is the packages I created, then you can skip all of that.
-Install pre-compiled packages:
-In order to install or upgrade KDE 5, follow these steps:
-Make sure you are not running KDE or even X ! If you are running an X session,
-log out first, and if you are in runlevel 4 (graphical login) you first have to
-go back to runlevel 3 (console) by typing "init 3".
-If you still have a KDE 4 installed, it must be removed first. No clean
-upgrade path can be provided! Do as follows:
-If you have Slackware's default KDE 4.10.5 installed:
- # removepkg /var/log/packages/*-4.10.5-*
- # removepkg libkscreen
- # removepkg kscreen
- # removepkg kde-workspace
-If you have my 'ktown' set of KDE 4.14.3 installed:
- # removepkg /var/log/packages/*-4.14.3-*alien
- # removepkg libkscreen
- # removepkg kscreen
- # removepkg kde-workspace
- # removepkg libmm-qt
- # removepkg plasma-nm
- # removepkg kdeconnect-kde
-If you have my 'ktown_preview' set of KDE 5.0.2 installed as well:
- # removepkg /var/log/packages/*-5.0.2-*alien
- # removepkg /var/log/packages/*-5.2.0-*alien
- # removepkg kscreen2 libkscreen2 libmm-qt5 libnm-qt5 oxygen-fonts sddm
-Then proceed with installing KDE 5 as outlined below.
-To make it easy for you, here is a one-line command that downloads the whole
-'5' directory (excluding the sources), with 32-bit and 64-bit packages
-(and be careful of the 'dot' at the end of that command, it is part of the
-commandline !!):
- # rsync -av rsync:// .
-Or else, if you want to download packages for just one of the two supported
-architectures, you would run one of the following commands instead (note that
-there is a dot at the end of these commands!).
-If you want only the 64-bit packages:
- # rsync -av --exclude=x86 rsync:// .
-If you want only the 32-bit packages:
- # rsync -av --exclude=x86_64 rsync:// .
-Assuming you just downloaded the bits you want from the directory tree
-"5", you must now change your current directory to where you found this
-README (which is the directory called '5'). If you used one of the
-above "rsync" commands then you can simply do:
- # cd 5
-From within this directory, you run the following commands as root (note that
-some of the old KDE package names are obsoleted now, they have been split up,
-renamed or integrated and that is the reason for the 'removepkg' lines):
- On Slackware 32-bit:
- # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86/deps/*.t?z
- # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86/kde/*/*.t?z
- On Slackware 64-bit:
- # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/deps/*.t?z
- # upgradepkg --reinstall --install-new x86_64/kde/*/*.t?z
- If you already have one or more non-english language packs installed:
- On Slackware 32-bit:
- # upgradepkg x86/kdei/*.t?z
- On Slackware 64-bit:
- # upgradepkg x86_64/kdei/*.t?z
- If you want to have a non-english language pack installed but none is
- currently installed, substitute your country code instead of the 'XX'
- in the next command:
- # upgradepkg --install-new x86_64/kdei/kde-l10n-XX-*.t?z
- Check if any ".new" configuration files have been left behind by
- the upgradepkg commands. Compare them to their originals and decide
- if you need to use them.
- # find /etc/ -name "*.new"
- A graphical (ncurses) tool for processing these "*.new" files is slackpkg:
- # slackpkg new-config
-Then reboot your system.
- Eric Hameleers / alien at slackware dot com / 28-jan-2015