path: root/kde/modules/applications (follow)
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Updated 'testing' in preparation for June '18 release of Plasma 5.13 Eric Hameleers2018-06-131-53/+32
* Applications: 16.08.0 adds packages, removes others and some new KF5 ports. Eric Hameleers2016-08-221-6/+0
* Two submodules moved to a different module. Eric Hameleers2016-05-181-0/+1
* Update the module definitions, add the new packages to the build order. Eric Hameleers2016-04-201-1/+3
* Do not build oxygen-icons. Eric Hameleers2016-02-271-1/+1
* Applications: add 'kjots' package which used to be part of the PIM suite. Eric Hameleers2016-02-101-0/+3
* kde/plasma-extra/kde-wallpapers: moved from Applications and re-enabled. Eric Hameleers2016-01-211-1/+0
* Some package recompilations as a result of your feedback, thanks! Eric Hameleers2015-12-311-1/+2
* Added and removed KDE packages for 5_15.12 Eric Hameleers2015-12-171-7/+8
* kde: some final house-keeping. Eric Hameleers2015-10-121-16/+1
* kio-extras, baloo5, kfilemetadata5: moved places. Eric Hameleers2015-09-131-0/+1
* Updated module definition and build order for KDE SlackBuild Eric Hameleers2015-09-021-3/+7
* Simplify the modules used for building KDE 5. Eric Hameleers2015-04-301-21/+55
* kde-workspace: stripped so that it can co-exist with plasma-workspace Eric Hameleers2015-02-161-4/+6
* KDE.SlackBuild: re-enable 'step' in kde/modules/applications Eric Hameleers2015-01-271-1/+1
* KDE 5 (Frameworks 5.6.0, Plasma 5.2.0, Applications 14.12.1) ready. Eric Hameleers2015-01-271-1/+1
* Final KDE.SlackBuild harness, ready for the upcoming release of Plasma 5.2.0. Eric Hameleers2015-01-261-16/+16
* Plasma-workspace:rRemove custom kde5-plasma*.desktop files. Eric Hameleers2015-01-211-1/+1
* All packages have been built at least once. Some are failing. Eric Hameleers2015-01-111-126/+143
* Prepare for new KDE 5: Frameworks 5.6.0, Plasma 5.1.2, Applications 14.12.0. Eric Hameleers2015-01-091-0/+154