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Issue #2, June 2005


... On my way home from the University late in the evening today, I was sitting a few paces away from the back of our point-bus. A senior (4th year student), a few juniors (3rd year students), some sophomores and a freshmen were having a discussion on the topic "Should we have girlfriends?". Each one of them was putting across their views and opinions. And when they asked me to present mine, before I could speak, the senior requested with a smirk on his face, "no linux in the answer".

Ayaz Ahmed Khan

"vi" crashes the whole system

From: "utechmech"
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.slackware
Date: 6 May 2005 10:39:41 -0700
Subject: "vi" crashes the whole system

When I type the letters vi at root@Administartor # vi to start the vi
editor to edit the Xorg config file the whole system crashes giving me
a page of '~' symbols.  How do you get to the $ prompt when you are at
the root@Administartor # prompt?

Subject: Re: Kernel Upgrade Necessary?
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.slackware
Date: 2004-11-03 16:37:04 PST

dmesg | less

less is more, but more more than more is, so more is less less,
so use more less if you want less more.

Joost Kremers                            

From: CL (
> Let me rephrase your word. So you are saying more or less is
> the same. Except less is more powerful, more is less powerful.

Yeah, that's more or less it.


From: CL (

But be warned not to use it together or you will get molest.

Russian IT classification of Vodka portions

0.1 l - demo version
0.25 l - trial version
0.5 l - personal edition
0.7 l - professional edition
1.0 l - network edition
1.75 l - enterprise edition
3 l - small business edition
5 l - corporate edition
10 l - home edition
A drink before departure - Service pack
A drink in the morning after a party - Recovery tool

Refection - plugins

Sent by Vano Sinelobov

A computer is like an air conditioner, it stops working when you open Windows.

Giovanni, Registered Linux user #337974

A computer without Microsoft is like a chocolate cake without mustard.

Leo (Bing) Whiteway

The best Windows accelerator is that which works at 9.81 m/s2

Davide Bianchi, from a post

Slackware Linux, because rebooting is for adding new hardware...

Luke M. Vandervort

Linux: Proof of intelligent life on earth


If the Linux community is a bunch of thieves because they try to imitate windows programs, then the Windows community is built on organized crime.

Richard Adams

The world is bigger than what you see through Windows.

Jem Matzan

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